Swept Away HR46 at anchor Second Wind at anchor Northern Exposure at anchor

The name of the boat, Swept Away, was partly inspired by a 1975 movie. Directed by Lina Wertmüller, the movie’s full name is Swept Away... by an unusual destiny in the blue sea of August (or Travolti da un insolito destino nell'azzurro mare d'Agosto in Italian.) You can read more about this movie at The Internet Movie Database (the page will open in a new window.)

We personalized Swept Away to meet our needs for now and the future, as we seem to be getting older. On deck, here is a sample of options we selected and some that are standard on the boat, but new for us:

Down below, here are some of the options we chose:


We've posted descriptions of the layout, computer technology and the navigation technology aboard Swept Away.